Savings goals calculator.
Our savings calculator is perfect for you if you know how much you can save monthly. Get an idea of how long it will take for you to reach your savings goal with our helpful savings calculator.
5 straightforward money-saving tips to help reach your savings goal.
Budget your way: If you’re looking to achieve your savings goal, these money-saving tips could help you budget and build your savings. Saving budget tips.
Cut unnecessary costs: If you’re looking to achieve your savings goal, these money-saving tips could help you budget and build your savings.
Shop smart: Look for deals and discounts when you shop. Use loyalty cards and vouchers to get the most for your money. Consider buying generic brands instead of expensive ones.
Save automatically: Set up a direct debit to transfer money to your savings account each month. It’s like putting your savings on autopilot - you won’t even notice it's gone. How the Chip savings app can help.
Compare and switch: Regularly review your utility bills, like energy, internet, and insurance. Compare prices and consider switching to more cost-effective providers. It’s an easy way to save without sacrificing quality.
Why use a savings calculator?
Whether you're planning a big expense or just want some peace of mind with your money, a savings calculator can help you figure out:
- How much to save each month to reach your goal?
- How long it might take to save up enough?
You might also be thinking about whether to use savings or credit. If you can wait, saving up is usually cheaper in the long run. Credit might be more expensive when you consider interest, fees, and other charges. See our interest rates calculator.
Meet our savings accounts.
We currently offer four savings accounts, all in one savings app.